They say you eventually turn into your mother

Posted by iamtrixie , 5.18.2010 1:39 PM

I am sure there are characteristics and behavior that are just genetic, right?
I've always been self conscious of being like my mom.
I mean, growing up, who wants to be like their mom?
(except maybe you, Tracy)
So, I'm very aware of how I'm similar to her.
But I think I might have some of the aging characteristics of my father.
I completely space out and go into my head when people are talking.
A lot lately.
So much so that I have the argument in my head to stop it,
Of course still not hearing what the person is saying.

Wait – does my dad still read this blog?
I think he knows this about himself.
I don't think I'm gonna be in trouble.
Anyway, thanks for that, Roy (it's easier to blame him instead of me),
and for the rubbing my feet together habit.

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