
Posted by PJoyLynn , 2.02.2005 9:29 PM

My husband tells me that eating nuts helps cure depression.
Pick your sick little mind out of the gutter or stop giggling.
I ate about three or four, ok maybe 5, handfuls of blue diamond smokehouse almonds, which distinctly remind me of my childhood and my father.
I don't know why.
I figure I must be real depressed because I couldn't stop eating those fuckers.
Seratonin, enzymes, whatever.
All I know is I've got this awful taste in my mouth and a gritty coating on my teeth.
Feels nasty.
My stomach feels like it's sinking into my pelvis, and I'm not entirely convinced that I won't throw up.
Distraction from depression.
Ain't no seratonin ezyme crap going on.

6 Response to "Nuts"

the beige one Says:

kinda hard to stop giggling when that kind of advice is coming from your husband.

the beige one Says:
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PJoyLynn Says:

what's even funnier is that my husband is telling me that he's eating nuts to help depression. should i be worried?

the beige one Says:

Simply: Yes.

I shall say no more.

the beige one Says:

you know what's driving me nuts? waiting for the next entry.

PJoyLynn Says:

Ah, my one true fan.

This is all part of my marketing plan.
Hook them in.
Make them wait.
Wow 'em with my fucking artistry.